MedTech I.Q.

The Cutting Edge of Medical Technology Content, Community & Collaboration

All Blog Posts (1,471)

Congressional Hearing Investigates H1N1 Preparedness, Vaccine Production

Congressional Hearing Investigates H1N1 Preparedness, Vaccine Production and ...[ABC News]

It is a very complicated process," Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response Nicole Lurie said at the House Energy and…… Continue

Added by Eric K. Noji, M.D. on November 19, 2009 at 9:19pm — No Comments

Palestinians call for EU to back independence

Palestinians have formally asked the European Union to urge the UN security council to recognise a fully independent state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in response to the current impasse in peace negotiations with Israel.

Saeb Erakat, the chief Palestinian negotiator, confirmed that the request to the EU was made on Monday as Israeli ministers repeated warnings that any unilateral moves would trigger counter-measures that could include the annexation of more of the occupied West…


Added by bloglist on November 16, 2009 at 4:58pm — No Comments

Operational Medicine Institute (OMI) at Harvard Medical School

Bookmark and Share

The Operational Medicine… Continue

Added by Eric K. Noji, M.D. on November 14, 2009 at 10:04pm — No Comments

Welcome to the Official ALLHumanity.TV Blog

Welcome To AllHumanityTV

$2.4 Billion To Fight Killer Diseases

6:48 PM | Posted by Eric K. Noji, M.D. | Edit Post

Friday, 13 November 2009, 9:17 am

Press Release: United Nations

UN-Backed Global Fund Awards $2.4 Billion To Fight Killer… Continue

Added by Eric K. Noji, M.D. on November 14, 2009 at 2:49pm — No Comments

Disasters: Introduction and State of the Art


Added by Eric K. Noji, M.D. on November 13, 2009 at 6:07pm — No Comments

Palin in book: McCain aides kept me 'bottled up'

The rumors are true, according to Sarah Palin: The McCain-Palin campaign was not a happy family. In Palin's new memoir, "Going Rogue," she confirms reports of tension between her aides and those of the 2008 Republican presidential candidate, Sen. John McCain. The vice presidential candidate confirms that she had wanted to speak on election night, but was denied the chance and says she was kept "bottled up" from reporters during the campaign.

Palin also writes harshly of CBS anchor…


Added by bloglist on November 13, 2009 at 8:54am — No Comments

Grateful for Social Media

Lately, I've had to do a ton of research on medical insurance and dental plans as the budget year nears an end and the next one begins. This is the first time I've really had to give much thought to this as I've been on my parents plans for most of my life and then really didn't pay much attention early on… Continue

Added by Howard Strang on November 11, 2009 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Call for Papers: CARS 2010 ... Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 24th International Congress & Exhibition


See the following message from MedTech-IQ members at the CARS Conference Office ...



Deadline for abstract / paper submissions: 11th January 2010


The CARS congress with its associated journal is a facilitator of innovation and an… Continue

Added by CC-Conrad Clyburn-MedForeSight on November 10, 2009 at 6:09pm — 1 Comment

Google to Acquire AdMob

Google to Acquire AdMob

November 9, 2009

This morning we announced that AdMob has signed a definitive agreement to be acquired by Google. I'm obviously excited, and not only for our customers, partners, and employees. I'm excited because I believe this will be an important moment for everyone involved in producing, consuming, or monetizing engaging products on mobile. The truth is that the mobile industry has had… Continue

Added by Eric K. Noji, M.D. on November 9, 2009 at 10:24pm — No Comments

Six Social Media Trends for 2010 ... Harvard Business


As posted recently online by Harvard Business publishing's "Conversation Starter" ... excerpts from David Armano's analysis and predictions for "Social Media" in 2010. David is part of the founding team at Dachis Group, an Austin based consultancy delivering social business design services, and is well reagarded as an active practitioner and thinker in the worlds of digital marketing, experience design, and the social web ...

.... In 2009 we saw exponential… Continue

Added by CC-Conrad Clyburn-MedForeSight on November 9, 2009 at 9:24am — No Comments

New Look ... New Feel


To better deliver the 3Cs of "Content, Community & Collaboration" we continue to make changes to improve the MedTech-IQ experience ...

... As a result, we are changing the look and feel of the network to keep pace with growth, and make it easier to navigate and find MedTech-IQ multi-media information & Web 2.0 tools ...

... We have also added… Continue

Added by CC-Conrad Clyburn-MedForeSight on November 8, 2009 at 10:30pm — No Comments

For MedTech-IQ Members ... Free GoGo Inflight Internet Service


You may recall that a couple of months ago I blogged to you over the Internet while I was on a flight from Washington, D.C. to California. It was a marvelously liberating experience.

Well guess what? The company that offers the service, GoGo, has just sent me a code that will allow me to offer to any first timer user, access to the Gogo Inflight Internet service for free.

If you've never used… Continue

Added by CC-Conrad Clyburn-MedForeSight on November 8, 2009 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Blood Donations for Ft. Hood: Can You Help?

Blood Donations Needed

Update – Friday , 11/6/09, 23:30

Blood donations for U.S. Army personnel wounded in the Ft. Hood shooting incident are being accepted at Scott & White Healthcare’s Blood Center in Temple, TX on Saturday, 11/7 from from 9:00 AM – noon local time and again on Monday, 11/9… Continue

Added by Michael J. Russell on November 7, 2009 at 1:14am — No Comments

Moment of Silence

-----Original Message-----

From: President Rice []

Sent: Friday, November 06, 2009 1:02 PM

To: dl-admin-officers dl-admin-officers; dl-afrri dl-afrri; dl-Brigade-All dl-Brigade-All; dl-class-of-2010 dl-class-of-2010; dl-class-of-2011 dl-class-of-2011; dl-class-of-2012 dl-class-of-2012; dl-class-of-2013 dl-class-of-2013; dl-graduate_students dl-graduate_students; dl-usuhs-executive dl-usuhs-executive; dl-usuhs-faculty-staff… Continue

Added by Eric K. Noji, M.D. on November 6, 2009 at 1:30pm — No Comments

New Services for You! ... @ MedTech-IQ


In the continuing quest to bring you the benefits of the 3Cs ... "Content, Community & Collaboration" we are providing you with a few new services...

- Global Giving ... the leading online marketplace for philanthropy, connecting donors to the causes and countries they care about (At the bottom of the homepage).

- Skype? ... Skype is a piece of software that customers can download to call other people on Skype over the… Continue

Added by CC-Conrad Clyburn-MedForeSight on November 6, 2009 at 12:30am — No Comments

Web 2.0 Summit: A Conversation with Google's Sergey Brin

Web 2.0 Summit: A Conversation with Google's Sergey Brin

October 22, 2009

Google co-founder Sergey Brin makes a surprise appearance at the Web 2.0 summit to talk with John Battelle about the future of the company. They discuss Google's current projects like…

Added by Eric K. Noji, M.D. on November 5, 2009 at 11:17am — 1 Comment

7 YouTube Healthcare Videos Worth Watching - "Laughter is the Best Medicine"!

If you still think YouTube is just for those durned kids, you're really missing out. We at FierceHealthcare have decided to present seven of our favorite healthcare videos, with topics ranging from the serious (a critique of U.S. public health efforts in controlling H1N1) to the purely silly (an anesthesiologist singing about his duty to "sit and listen to the beep.")

For their creativity, educational value and pure passion, we hereby deem these videos Fierce! Have fun checking them… Continue

Added by Bari Shein on November 2, 2009 at 5:17pm — No Comments

Updated Professional Profile



Added by Eric K. Noji, M.D. on October 31, 2009 at 3:29pm — No Comments

Can the Global Economy Prepare for a Pandemic?

Can the Global Economy Prepare for a Pandemic?

with discussants David Nabarro, MD and Eric K. Noji, MD. The panel is moderated by Heather L. Burns.

Aspen Ideas Festival, July 6, 2007…


Added by Eric K. Noji, M.D. on October 31, 2009 at 1:32pm — No Comments

A Life...

The Story of My Life....

To view the 30 second video of my life, click the above title, or the white arrow (<--) on the sign below. Please don't forget…

Added by Eric K. Noji, M.D. on October 31, 2009 at 12:30pm — No Comments

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