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Featured Blog Posts – February 2009 Archive (7)

U.S. Economic Stimulus Bill Online Resources


As reported in the Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal...Here is a list of online resources that you may find useful in sorting thru information on the economic stimulus bill.


* White House backed with information on where funds are being spent:

* Recovery act overview:

* interactive site… Continue

Added by CC-Conrad Clyburn-MedForeSight on February 27, 2009 at 8:01pm — No Comments

Server in a wall wort

Check out this new linux server in a wall plug

Added by Mary Kratz on February 25, 2009 at 9:53am — No Comments - check it out

The Medpedia Project is a long term, worldwide project to evolve a new model for sharing and advancing knowledge about health, medicine and the body among medical professionals and the general public. The Project provides a free online technology platform to any individual or organization that can benefit from its use, available at Users of the platform include medical and scientific journals, medical schools, research institutes, medical associations, physicians, hospitals,… Continue

Added by Cheryl on February 18, 2009 at 10:48am — 3 Comments

1st Annual Biomedical Science and Engineering Conference at Oak Ridge National Laboratory


Dear Colleagues;

Note the following changes to the Biomedical Science and Engineering Conference announncement:

1. Call for papers is now closed.

2. Registration for foreign nationals has been extended to February 28.

3. Registration for US citizens closes March 13.

Please keep checking the conference website regualrly for program updates and… Continue

Added by Barbara Beckerman on February 17, 2009 at 3:36pm — No Comments

Google & IBM launches Google Health, where users can manage their medical history information and connect to their medical devices

Google Health is a site where users can store and track information about their medical history, and connect to and stream data from medical devices. In demonstrations, IBM and Google fitted Wi-Fi radios to gadgets like heart rate monitors, blood pressure cuffs, scales and blood-sugar measurement meters, allowing the devices to communicate with a PC and feed real-time medical information directly into Google's online records.

Hooking up those devices to the Web, IBM argues, will offer a… Continue

Added by Viil on February 5, 2009 at 2:31am — No Comments

Hospitals of the Future: Technology Innovation vs. Business Model Innovation

Listed below are excerpts from yesterday's NYTimes article: Disruptive Innovation, Applied to Health Care.

Successful business models are moving more toward pay for wellness vs. pay for acute or chronic treatments. It's not going to be "The Hospital of the Future", more likely, "the patient-centric… Continue

Added by Lance M. on February 2, 2009 at 2:45pm — No Comments

A long but thoughtful essay on 'fixing' the ship, or rather flotilla, of US Healthcare

Atul Gawande writes in the New Yorker:

American health care is an appallingly patched-together ship, with rotting timbers, water leaking in, mercenaries on board, and fifteen per cent of the passengers thrown over the rails just to keep it afloat. But hundreds of millions of people depend on it. The system provides more than thirty-five million hospital stays a year, sixty-four million surgical procedures, nine hundred million office visits, three and a half billion prescriptions. It… Continue

Added by Greg on February 2, 2009 at 9:30am — No Comments

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