All Videos Tagged toshiba (MedTech I.Q.) - MedTech I.Q.2025-01-18T13:14:16Z IBM - Mayo Clinic Establish Medical Imaging Research,2008-11-17:2140535:Video:63302008-11-17T15:17:40.723ZCC-Conrad Clyburn-MedForeSight
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<img alt="Thumbnail" height="97" src="" width="130"></img><br />
</a> <br></br>Mayo Clinic and IBM are creating a collaborative research facility aimed at advancing medical imaging technologies to improve the quality of patient care. The Medical Imaging Informatics Innovation Center (MI3C) is an extension of a 2007 Mayo-IBM announcement, the results of which have given physicians the ability to register medical images up to 50-times quicker and provide critical…
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<img src="" width="130" height="97" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />Mayo Clinic and IBM are creating a collaborative research facility aimed at advancing medical imaging technologies to improve the quality of patient care. The Medical Imaging Informatics Innovation Center (MI3C) is an extension of a 2007 Mayo-IBM announcement, the results of which have given physicians the ability to register medical images up to 50-times quicker and provide critical diagnosis, such as the growth or shrinkage of tumors, in seconds instead of hours.<br />
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More information can be found at