The Cutting Edge of Medical Technology Content, Community & Collaboration
Time: February 23, 2022 from 10am to 1pm
Location: online
Street: Compliance Online
City/Town: Online
Website or Map: https://www.complianceonline.…
Phone: 8887172436
Event Type: webinar
Organized By: ComplianceOnline
Latest Activity: Jan 28, 2022
This course will provide a thorough review of regulatory guidelines on method validation and transfer. It provides guidance on how to perform QC analytical test method validations and transfers.
Why Should You Attend:
This course provides guidance on how to perform QC analytical test method validations and transfers. One of the most critical factors in developing and marketing pharmaceutical drug substances and drug products is ensuring that the analytical methods used for analysis can generate valid data upon which business and regulatory decisions can be made. FDA, ICH and USP have each recognized the importance of this relative to the drug development process and have each expanded method validation requirements in recent years. However, with only limited guidance, industry has been left to interpret how to adequately comply with the regulations. This course provides a comprehensive overview of the international regulatory authority requirements and expectations for test method validation of these assays. This course will prepare attendees with the knowledge and tools to plan and execute test method validation packages for the NDA, BLA and MAA market application dossiers, covering in-process, release and stability assays commonly used by QC.
Areas Covered in the Webinar:
This course will provide a thorough review of regulatory guidelines on method validation and transfer. Each element required to have a complete and thorough method validation will be discussed in detail to ensure course attendees have a clear understanding of each requirement.
Who Will Benefit:
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