The Cutting Edge of Medical Technology Content, Community & Collaboration
Time: January 25, 2010 at 8am to January 26, 2010 at 7pm
Location: Omni Shoreham Hotel
Street: 2500 Calvert Street, NW
City/Town: Washington, DC 20008
Website or Map: http://www.ehealthinitiative.…
Phone: 202-624-3273
Event Type: annual, conference
Organized By: Brian Wagner, eHealth Initiative Senior Director of Policy and Public Affairs, at 202-624-3282 or
Latest Activity: Jan 19, 2010
Join the eHealth Initiative on January 25-26, 2010 to discuss and debate the rapidly changing world of health information technology. This unique conference will draw on the wisdom of some of the country’s top health and information technology experts in order to help attendees understand the following:
* What’s the policy?
* What’s possible?
* What’s practical?
This conference will highlight specific examples of how eHealth is being implemented across the country, as well as raise challenging questions about the ability of the country to move towards universal, meaningful use of health information technology by 2014. Policymakers, industry leaders, clinicians and patients will participate in engaging panel discussions and adversarial debates revolving around eHealth issues that affect the entire American health care system.
The eHealth Initiative’s conference will be the first in 2010 to put meaningful use and other policy panaceas under a critical microscope and help attendees understand how contemporary, real-world examples of health information and health IT improving the quality, safety and efficiency of health care can point the way for a more connected future.
Confirmed speakers include:
* Deb Bass, Interim Executive Director, Nebraska Health Information Initiative
* Rachel Block, Deputy Commissioner for Health IT, New York State Department of Health
* Jennifer Covich Bordenick, Chief Operating Officer and Interim Chief Executive Officer, eHealth Initiative
* Dave deBronkart, "e-Patient Dave",; Co-Chair, Society for Participatory Medicine
* Steven Findlay, Senior Health Policy Analyst, Consumers Union; Member, HIT Standards Committee
* James Golden, PhD, Director, Division of Health Policy, Minnesota Department of Health
* J. Leonard Lichtenfeld, MD, FACP, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, American Cancer Society
* Robert D. Marotta, Senior Vice President and Regulatory Counsel, HLTH Corporation-WebMD
* Ronald Paulus, MD, MBA, Executive Vice President for Clinical Operations and Chief Innovation Officer, Geisinger Health System
* John Rother, Executive Vice President of Policy and Strategy, AARP
* Raymond W. Scott, BSc, MBCS, C.Eng., CITP, Chief Executive Officer, Axolotl Corp.
* Harry Totonis, President and Chief Executive Officer, Surescripts
* Jamie Welch, Chief Information Officer, Louisiana Rural Health Information Exchange
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