The Cutting Edge of Medical Technology Content, Community & Collaboration
Time: March 16, 2022 from 10am to 1pm
Location: online
Street: Compliance Online
City/Town: Palo Alto
Website or Map: https://www.complianceonline.…
Phone: 8887172436
Event Type: webinar
Organized By: Complianceonline
Latest Activity: Mar 7, 2022
This webinar will review not only the Anti-Kickback Statute and its safe harbors, but will provide an in-depth overview of OIG guidance and advisory opinions dealing with marketing activities, as well as a review of case law regarding marketing behavior.
Why Should You Attend:
If your organization, be it a hospital, physician practice, DME provider, or any other provider offering healthcare services or supplies, engages in marketing its product or services, care must be taken to ensure that the organization does not run afoul of the Anti-Kickback Statute.
This online training will review not only the Statute itself, and the safe harbors, but will also critique the case law, OIG advisory opinions, and OIG compliance guidance to help you understand what you can and cannot do with engaging in healthcare marketing.
After the completion of this training program, you should have a good understanding of what you can and cannot do with regard to marketing activities. The penalties for not conducting a marketing program correctly can be severe, including exclusion, civil monetary penalties and even criminal prosecution.
Who Will Benefit:
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