MedTech I.Q.

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Please see message from Dr. Will Smith, ref: 30 day volunteers to support the USNS Comfort Hospital ship mission to Haiti ...
Dear All,

The USNS Comfort is a hospital ship operated by the U.S. Navy. This ship is currently sailing for Haiti and is looking for qualified volunteers from NGO's who are willing to commit to a 30 day tour. The requested specialty mix attached. The profile is healthy, a 30 day commitment, MOU signed, and a flexible attitude.

If you know anyone who would like to volunteer, please have them contact me immediately. Volunteers must be in Jacksonville by Friday and will be flown to Gitmo and then on to the Comfort. Please feel free to pass this on.

William K. Smith, M.D.
Center for International Rehabilitation
2600 Virginia Ave NW
Suite 709
Washington, DC. 20037
Phone (202) 625-4777

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For those who are interested in considering the USNS Comfort Hospital Ship 30 day volunteer opportunity, here is more information as background. Please see these 5 video clips providing an overview of a recent mission to Nicaruagua in 2007 ...

Military Medicine: Health Diplomacy & the US Navy Hospital Ship...

Military Medicine: Health Diplomacy & the US Navy Hospital Shi...

Military Medicine: Health Diplomacy & the US Navy Hospital Shi...

Military Medicine: Health Diplomacy - Baby Felipe Gets a New Smile ...

Military Medicine: Health Diplomacy & the US Navy Hospital Ship...



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