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The Aetna Foundation seeks to improve the quality and delivery of health services and to drive toward improved health status for the American public ... The Foundation is seeking national and regional partners with the vision to make these goals a reality...

Please see excerpts from their recently announced Request For Proposal (RFP) below.  The link to the full RFP is at the end...



For 2010, the Aetna foundation will focus its grantmaking on issues that improve health and the healthcare system in three areas

  • Obesity: Addressing the rising rate of obesity among U.S. adults and children
  • Racial and Ethnic Health Care Equity: Promoting equity in health and health care for common chronic conditions and infant mortality
  • Integrated Health Care: Advancing high-quality health care by improving care coordination and communications among health care professionals; creating informed and involved patients; and promoting cost-effective, affordable care

Grant applications that address more than one of these areas will receive priority consideration.   Program specifics can be found at:

The number of grants and total dollars awarded will depend upon the quantity and quality of applications received.

  • Grants will not necessarily be equal in size, distributed equally across designated programs or locations, or awarded at the full amount requested.
  • Regional grant requests may not exceed, $150,000, including 15% for indirect costs.
  • National grant requests may not exceed $250,000, including 15% for indirect costs.
  • All project, policy and research timelines may not exceed two years in length.
  • Sponsorship requests may not exceed one year in length or $50,000, including 15% for indirect costs. Note: Sponsorship awards generally will be $5,000 to $10,000.

Types of Grants:

Within the three program areas, we will award the following types of grants:

  • Research:  Grants that will generate new knowledge, making use of either quantitative or qualitative techniques
  • Projects:  Grants that will test, apply or disseminate new practices; designed to improve health and health care
  • Policy:  Grants that analyze and promote policies to ensure that programs and practices to improve health and health care can be replicated and disseminated broadly

Submission Close Dates:

In 2010, applications will be accepted in quarterly cycles with submission closing dates of:

  • May 15, 2010
  • August 15, 2010
  • November 15, 2010
  • February 15, 2011

Eligible applicants are U.S.-based nonprofit organizations ... 

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