CCAT San Diego is pleased to announce the opening of its 2009 Unmanned Ground Systems Program solicitation. The purpose of this solicitation is to seek out, identify, and provide awards and services for selected technologies (components or products) that address priority military requirements and that can be integrated rapidly onto robotic platforms and transitioned into the hands of the warfighter. Only mature technologies; e.g., ones that have reached at least Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6: prototype demonstrated and proven in a relevant environment, will be considered for awards and services.
Military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq marked the first time that robotic systems have played a meaningful role in combat operations, supporting cave and bunker reconnaissance, chemical and radiological detection, explosive ordnance disposal (EOD), and other military missions...
... CCAT teamed with the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, Pacific (SSC Pacific) to sponsor national solicitations to identify innovative technologies for integration on two principal platforms used in-theatre – iRobot PackBot and Foster-Miller TALON. The solicitations have resulted in the award of 16 technologies to advance the autonomy and detection capabilities of the PackBot and TALON platforms. Examples of previously awarded technologies include: autonomous navigation, radiological detection, speech control of robot, autonomous manipulation, non-lethal weaponization, among others.
This solicitation is intended to build upon the success of the previous solicitations by inviting companies to submit proposals demonstrating additional innovations for greater autonomy, detection, manipulation, and localization.
... The performance period will range between 4 to 6 months with final date of completion no later than July 21, 2010... Selected applicants may receive awards up to $75,000 for product test, evaluation, demonstration, and integration. In addition, each awarded technology will be reviewed for the need for business development services such as market studies, commercialization planning, mentoring, access to venture and angel investment opportunities, among other services. The objective is to assist the awarded technology in transitioning to the market...
Applications will be accepted from 8:00 A.M. (PST) Wednesday, September 16, 2009 through 4:00 P.M. (PST) Friday, October 16, 2009.
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