As has become our custom ... please find last month's summary of venture capital investing in the U.S. life science sector from Adam Rubenstein @ OnBioVC.
Surprisingly, OnBioVC tracked 28 financings for May ‘09, versus 22 deals in May ‘08. MAy 2009 produced bioscience investment proceeds totaled approximately $692.1M, an increase of roughly $336.8M compared to the $355.3M of investments tracked in the fifth month of ’08, yielding a month -over-month investment increase of 51%.
Skewing the May data was the largest reported deal...Boulder, CO-based Clovis Oncology which closed a $145M Series A financing. This may seem outsized for a Series A investment, but I got a dose of reality from MedTech-IQ member Devinder Bawa,, on what this may actually mean. Clovis intends to acquire, develop and commercialize innovative anti-cancer agents in the U.S., Europe and additional international markets.
Despite its drama in Sacramento in state government, Calalifornia continues its dominance in attracting investment dollars. California was home to 7 financings for May ‘09 that
account for $153.4M. The Mid West was the next most active region, home to 6 financings spread across MN (2), MI (2), OH (1) and IL (1) totaling $64.5M in investment.
Biopharma was the sector who attracted the lions share of investment dollars ($454.5M) for May ’09 followed by Devices ($234.1M).
Read the excellent full report at: