MedTech I.Q.

The Cutting Edge of Medical Technology Content, Community & Collaboration


Please see the MedTech-IQ advanced medical technology  “Funding Roadmap” for September 2010.

Though dominated by U.S. federal funding opportunities, we also include private foundations and private equity investment meetings in our “Roadmaps”.

If you see a solicitation that interests you, please move quickly. Many require Letters of Intent or Pre-Proposal requirements also ...  We welcome international requests for proposals from countries outside of the U.S., and will post this information in future funding "Roadmaps".



"I'm very interested in the future because I plan to spend the rest of my life there." , Robert Wood Johnson


Wednesday, 1 September 2010:

NIH: $30Billion CIO-SP3 RFP (Request for Proposal)

International:Department of State-New U.S./North Africa Public Private Parnership

Thursday, 2 September 2010:

CDC-Enhanced Comprehensive HIV Prevention Planning and Implementation for Metropolitan Statistical Areas

NASA SBIR & STTR 2010 Solicitations : TOPIC X7 Human-Robotic Systems

NASA SBIR & STTR 2010 Solicitations : TOPIC X3 Life Support and Habitation Systems

NASA SBIR & STTR 2010 Solicitations : TOPIC X13 Behavioral Health and Performance

NASA SBIR & STTR 2010 Solicitations : TOPIC X12 Exploration Medical Capability

NASA SBIR & STTR 2010 Solicitations : TOPIC X11 Exploration Crew Health Capabilities

NASA SBIR & STTR 2010 Solicitations : TOPIC X4 Space Suit-Extra-Vehicular Activity Technology

NASA SBIR & STTR 2010 Solicitations : TOPIC X14 Space Human Factors and Food Systems

HHS-Healthy Communities, Tobacco Prevention and Control, Diabetes Prevention and Control, and Behavior

Tuesday, 7 September 2010:

DOD-FY09 Psychological Health/Traumatic Brain Injury Research Program (PH/TBIRP):Pre-App:30Jun10

Homeland Security-Effective Risk Communications Against the IED Threat Phases II-IV DHS S&T BAA 10-1

Wednesday, 8 September 2010:

NIH-SBIR E-learning for HAZMAT and Emergency Response (SBIR [R43/R44])

Friday, 10 September 2010:

International:Expanded Social Marketing Project in Nigeria (ESMPIN)

Tuesday, 14 September 2010:

DOD-Fiscal Year 2011 Defense University Research Instrumentation Program

NIH-Psychosocial Stress & Behavior:(R01)LOI14Sep10/Deadline14Oct10

NIH: Development of Comprehensive and Conceptually-based Measures of Psychosocial Stress (R21)-LOI14

NIH:Basic Mechanisms Influencing Behavioral Maintenance (R01)-LOI 14Sep10/Deadline-14Oct10

Wednesday, 15 September 2010:

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-Air Force:15Sep10:AF103-026:Pilot Wrist Computer System (PWCS)

DOD-SBIR 2010.3 -Army-15Sep10:A10-153:Detection and Serotype Identification of Dengue Virus in the Mosquito Vector

DOD-SBIR 2010.3 -Army-15Sep10:A10-154:Devt of a Molecular Assay to Identify Ticks that Vector Rickettsial Disease

DOD-SBIR 2010.3 -Army-15Sep10:A10-155-Multiagent Synthetic DNA Vaccines Delivered by Noninvasive Electroporation

DOD-SBIR 2010.3 -Army-15Sep10:A10-156:Disposable Coagulation Profiler

DOD-SBIR 2010.3 -Army-15Sep10:A10-157:Engineered Bacterial Cells for Rapid Toxicity Evaluations of Drinking Water

DOD-SBIR 2010.3 -Army-15Sep10:A10-158:Deployable Pan-flavivirus and Pan-alphavirus Assays for Screening Pools of Medically Relevant Anthropod

DOD-SBIR 2010.3 -Army-15Sep10:A10-159:Software Tool for Complex Biomarker Discovery

DOD-SBIR 2010.3 -Army-15Sep10:A10-160:Controlled Release of Topical Nitric Oxide for Treating Cutaneous Injuries 

DOD-SBIR 2010.3 -Army-15Sep10:Improved Ballistic Combat Hearing Protection

DOD-SBIR 2010.3 -Army-15Sep10:Algorithms for Ground Soldier Based Simulations and Decision Support Applications

DOD-SBIR 2010.3 -Army-15Sep10:A10-168:Selfpowered Solar Water Heater

DOD-STTR 2010.B-Navy-15Sep10:N10B-T046:Bioengineering of Organisms for the Selective Production of High Density Hydrocarbon Fuel Precursors

DOD-STTR 2010.B-Navy-15Sep10:N10B-T047:Innovative Methods for the Conversion of Biomass to Short Chain Alkenes for the Production of Renewable Jet Fuels

DOD-STTR 2010.B-Navy-15Sep10:N0B-T049:Expanding Helicopter Pilots Field of View with Spherical Sensing

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-Navy-15Sep10:Innovative Imagery Processing Architecture

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-Navy-15Sep10:N103-206 Optical Correlator for Realtime Pattern Recognition Applications

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-Navy-15Sep10:N103-218 Long Distance Remote Maintenance Capability

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-Air Force:15Sep10:AF103-027:See-through Transparent Displays

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-Air Force:15Sep10:AF103-029:Digital Flight Gloves

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-Air Force:15Sep10:AF103-030:Shareable Game-Based Objects Gateway for DIS and HLA 

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-Air Force:15Sep10:AF103-031:Modeling of Nano Effects on Major Human Organs 

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-Air Force:15Sep10::AF103-032:Multi-camera real-time Feature Recognition, Extraction

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-Air Force:15Sep10:AF103-033:HMD(Helmet Mounted Display)-Compatible Mission Performance Measurement System an

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-Air Force:15Sep10:AF103-043:Cellular Gene and Pathway Regulation

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-DHP-15Sep10:OSD10-H01:Advanced Blood Simulant for Simulation Based Medical Trauma Training

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-DHP-15Sep10:OSD10-H02:Non-Invasive Detection, Differentiation, Diagnosis and Treatment of Balance Pathologies

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-DHP-15Sep10:OSD10-H03:Spatiotemporally Controlled Delivery System that Promotes Functional Tissue Regeneration

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-DHP-15Sep10:OSD10-H04:Technologies for Treating Cartilage Tissue Loss Following Traumatic Injury

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-DHP-15Sep10:OSD10-H05:Deployable Automated Analgesia and Anesthesia System

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-DHP-15Sep10: OSD10-H06:Development and Integration of Next Generation Haptics into Medical Simulators

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-DHP-15Sep10:OSD10-H07:Deployed First Responder Course of Action (COA) Evaluation and After Action Review (AAR)Tools

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-DHP-15Sep10: OSD10-H08:Medical Gaming

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-DHP-15Sep10:OSD10-H09:Synthetic Tissue Trainer

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-DARPA:15Sep10:SB103-001:Low Noise, High Efficiency Hydraulics for Mobile Robots

DOD-SBIR 2010.3-DARPA:15Sep10:SB103-006:Novel Acoustic Materials for Passive Hearing Protection

Friday, 17 September 2010:

Washington State:Life Sciences Discovery Fund 2010 Program Grant Competition

NIH-SBIR-Safe and Effective Instruments and Devices for Use in the Neonatal Intensive Care Units

Homeland Security-Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grants-Deadline-17Sep10

Tuesday, 21 September 2010:

CMS-Unveils$10 million project to evaluate decision-support systems for ordering diagnostic imaging

Wednesday, 22 September 2010:

NIH-SBIR-Development and Translation of Medical Technologies that Reduce Health Disparities

Friday, 24 September 2010:

DOD-JPC1-MedSim Combat Casualty Training Consortium

Saturday, 25 September 2010:

NIH-PAR-10-244: NIDA Program Project Grant Applications (P01)-LOI(30days Prior)

Saturday, 25 September 2010:

DOD-FY10 Defense Medical Research and Development Program (DMRDP):Pre-App(25Sep09)

Sunday, 26 September 2010:

NIH-RFA-RM-10-016: Science of Structure, Organization and Practice Design in the Efficient Delivery

Monday, 27 September 2010:

NIH-Common Fund Transformative Research Projects Program (R01)-LOI:27Sep10-Deadline27Oct10

Tuesday, 28 September 2010:

NIH-Economics of Prevention (R21)-RFA-RM-10-015: Economics of Prevention (R21)-Prepro-28Sep10

Wednesday, 29 September 2010:

DOD-FY10 Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program (PRCRP)

DOD-CDMRP-DOD Peer Reviewed Cancer Concept Award

Thursday, 30 September 2010:

DOD-FY11 Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI)-White Paper

DOD-DARPA Soldier Protection Systems:Pre-App(17Aug10)

International-Access to Learning Award-Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-30Sep10

International:PEPFAR-A-FU09 President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief-Military Specific HIV/AIDS

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