As reported in Rick Shindell's SBIR Insider
... here's some major good news about small high tech businesses partnering with
universities, federal labs, and large business for ARPA-E (Advanced Research Projects Agency- Energy) funding ...
(or almost live) from the floor of the ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit at the
Gaylord Convention Center in Washington DC:
At the Pre-Summit workshops
held ... March 1, 2010 ... Arun Majumdar, ARPA-E Director reported ... about the healthy state of the DOE's (Department of Energy) Advance Research Projects Agency (Energy). This organization is modeled after the DoD's DARPA program in that it is interested in the most advanced, out of the box, highest risks technologies, in this case devoted to energy.
In their first round of
award funding (about $151M), small businesses scored 43% of the awards,
considerably higher than academia or large business. Awards ranged from a low of $550K to $9.1M, with the sweet spot between $2M - $3M.
Most of the
small business awards featured the small business as the prime, working with
universities, large industry, and some federal laboratories. It is a model in innovative partnering. We will let you know when the next round comes out and will feature some of the small business ARPA-E success stories for you in an upcoming SBIR Insider...
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