MedTech I.Q.

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There have recently been a number of federal funding announcements worthy of bringing to your collective attention.

They include:

The $60 million Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP) program.
Note: Letters of Intent Due - 4 January 2010...

SHARP awards will fund research focused on identifying technology solutions to address well-documented problems impeding broad adoption of health information technology (health IT). By helping to overcome key challenges, the research will also accelerate progress towards achieving nationwide meaningful use of health IT...

... Areas of research will include security of health IT, patient-centered cognitive support, application and network platform architectures, and the secondary use of EHR data as a way of measuring and improving quality of care...

... Summary of SHARP Funding:

Type of Award Cooperative agreement
Approximate Amount of Funding Available in FY2010 $60,000,000
Average Award Amount $15,000,000
Award Floor $10,000,000
Award Ceiling $18,000,000
Project Period Length 4 years
Estimated Award Date March 15, 2010

Applications are due on January 25, 2010...

HHS Announces $27 Million in "Stimulus" Funding to Fight Chronic Disease
Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has announced the availability of $27 million to help older individuals with chronic conditions to improve their health and reduce their use of costly medical care. These funds are made possible through the American Recovery and Reinvestment (ARRA or Stimulus) Act, which has provided up to $650 million to HHS for the Communities Putting Prevention to Work initiative launched earlier this fall to promote evidence-based prevention strategies in communities and states across the country.

... The funds will put the results of HHS’ research investments into practice at more than 1,200 community-based sites across the country... This competitive initiative gives every state Aging and Health Department and U.S. territory the opportunity to implement rigorously tested Chronic Disease Self-Management Programs (CDSMP) ... CDSMP are specifically designed to be delivered by non-health professionals in community settings, such as senior centers, congregate meal programs, faith-based organizations and senior housing projects... States will identify the communities and the organizations that will be involved locally in the delivery of this program. The deadline for applications is Feb. 12, 2010.
For more information on this funding availability, please visit:

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