MedTech I.Q.

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As discussed in earlier "MedTech-IQ" alerts ... The projected Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) announcements have begun to arrive. This is the first of two announcements. Pay attention!

... The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) announces RFA-HS-10-003, Clinical and Health Outcomes Initiative in Comparative Effectiveness (CHOICE) Grants (R01). The program is supported by $100 million provided under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, i.e., "Stimulus" funding...

... The Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites grant applications for comparative effectiveness research projects aimed at generating new knowledge to help inform decisionmaking in priority areas of clinical care ... Applications should address the outcomes and effectiveness of assessments across population groups that are often underrepresented in medical research...

... AHRQ anticipates making 10 awards that together total $100 million ... Applications may be up to 3 years in duration, with a total budget not to exceed $10 million over the 3 years. While total annual costs may vary over the award period, the maximum cost in any one year cannot exceed $4 million...

... Priority populations include but are not limited to racial and ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities, children, elderly, patients with multiple and chronic conditions, and disadvantaged and/or under represented populations for the specific condition being studied. Priority conditions important to the Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP programs and mandated by the MMA section 1013 are of special interest. The current list of priority conditions includes:

* Arthritis and non-traumatic joint disorders
* Cancer
* Cardiovascular disease, including stroke and hypertension
* Dementia, including Alzheimer's disease
* Depression and other mental health disorders
* Developmental delays, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism
* Diabetes mellitus
* Functional limitations and disability
* Infectious diseases including HIV/AIDS
* Obesity
* Peptic ulcer disease and dyspepsia
* Pregnancy including pre-term birth
* Pulmonary disease/asthma
* Substance abuse

Some examples of potential projects include, but are not limited, to:

* Prospective and longitudinal cohort studies of the effectiveness and comparative effectiveness of health care treatments and services, including pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, devices, procedures, and other types of interventions or combinations of these interventions.
* Cluster-randomized or randomized clinical trials of the effectiveness and comparative effectiveness of important new or existing health care technologies. These trials should be widely inclusive of both patients and health systems to adequately reflect health care in the general population.
* Assessment of the effectiveness and comparative effectiveness of health care treatments for common, high-cost conditions in the elderly, women, and in various racial or ethnic minority groups, as well as those with multiple co-morbidities.
* Assessment of the effectiveness and comparative effectiveness of interventions unique to children or treatments that are commonly administered to children but have been evaluated for safety and effectiveness only in adult populations.
* Prospective studies that explore outcomes of pharmacogenetic testing in guiding selection of therapeutic interventions.
* Prospective evaluation of the long-term outcomes of new imaging technologies to diagnose or monitor a priority condition.

... Letters of Intent Receipt Date(s): November 18, 2009
... Applications are due on December 16, 2009

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