As reported in the Wall Street Journal ...Biotech venture firms have long seen opportunity to fund spinouts
from major pharmaceutical companies, and now the Spin-Out idea is catching on with some medical-device investors..
...Like their drug company
counterparts, many device manufacturers have amassed more products than they can develop...
... For example, Inspire, a sleep apnea company,
spun out of Medtronic Inc. in 2006 and has raised about $23 million from Medtronic, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Synergy Life Science Partners and U.S. Venture Partners ...
... To find opportunities like this, venture firms have
to connect with someone inside a big company who knows what technologies may be available, said Jan Garfinkle, managing director of Arboretum Ventures...
MedTech-IQ Commentary: We have always contended that the "Triple Helix" of Academia, Industry and Government has value embedded within it, that offers outstanding investment opportunities. We think one should also look into government funded programs for "Spin-Out" medical device opportunities, as well ...Read on at:!
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