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Interesting article from Xconomy on the evolving 3D medical imaging market ...

... The same people who cultivated their skills with 3-D imaging in the video game department at Microsoft have a new challenge in mind. They
want to crunch some of medicine’s more complex 3-D images into a form
that’s easy to use for the average physician and patient with a
Windows-based PC...

... That’s the vision of FiatLux Imaging, a Redmond, WA-based healthcare IT startup that has raised about $4.5 million from angel investors since it was founded in 2007. The founders, Quentin DeWolf and John Pella, left Microsoft to spend the last couple years developing visualization software that can take data-rich images from CT and MRI scans, and make it so the average specialist or primary care physician can store, analyze, and share them with patients...

... FiatLux isn’t the only group of people who want  ...  the storage, analysis, and sharing of CT and MRI images. Lexington, MA-based, Able Software markets a product called 3-D Doctor, and it has been around a long time, and boasts a long list of users like Massachusetts General Hospital, the FDA, and M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX. Another program comes from an open-source competitor called OsiriX.

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