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Please see the following Call for Papers from our friends and MedTech-IQ members in the Computer Assisted Radiology & Surgery (CARS) office in Germany ...




Joint Congress of ISCAS, EuroPACS, CAR, CMI and CAD

Deadline for abstract / paper submissions: 11th January 2010

The CARS congress with its associated journal is a facilitator of
innovation and an important contributor to modern medicine on a worldwide
basis. Founded in 1985, CARS with its focus on research and development
for computer assisted systems and their applications in radiology and
surgery has played a leading role in medical informatics for 25 years. Its
growth and impact is due to CARS’s close collaboration with the ISCAS,
EuroPACS, CAR, CAD and CMI societies. Following the long term successful
cooperation, they will jointly hold their annual meetings with CARS in
Geneva in 2010.

The CARS Congress Organizing Committee invites you to be part of this
extraordinary scientific/medical community which gives medicine a new
perspective. Join us in Geneva in June 2010, if you work in the fields of
radiology, surgery, engineering, informatics and/or healthcare management
and have an interest in topics, such as

- image guided interventions
- medical imaging
- image processing and visualization
- computer aided diagnosis
- surgical simulation
- surgical navigation and robotics
- model-guided therapy, and
- personalised medicine

New PACS applications, including IT-infrastructures adapted for surgery as
well as related results from the DICOM and IHE working groups are also
within the scope of CARS. Clinical specialties represented at CARS

- Image Guided Tumor Ablation Therapies
- Cardiovascular Imaging
- Computed Maxillofacial Imaging
- Computer Assisted Radiation Therapy
- Computer Assisted Orthopaedic and Spinal Surgery
- Computer Assisted Head and Neck, and ENT Surgery
- Image Guided Neurosurgery
- Minimally Invasive Cardiovascular and Thoracoabdominal Surgery

Recent successful CARS congresses have taken place in Berlin, Paris, Tokyo,
San Francisco, London, Chicago, Osaka and Barcelona. We would be delighted
to welcome you in Geneva for CARS 2010.

Congress Format
The four-day congress consists of invited talks by internationally
recognized experts, approx. 200 paper presentations, as well as exhibits
and posters. Special focus sessions as well as product exhibits in the
industrial exhibition are planned to give participants access to hot
topics and new CARS-related products.
Tutorials, workshops and special events related to the above topics
complement the regular sessions of CARS and are organized under the
auspices of the International Foundation of CARS.

Abstracts of all peer-reviewed lecture and poster presentations will be
included in the CARS 2010 Proceedings, which will be provided to all
congress participants at the meeting. Full paper contributions will be
included in regular issues of the International Journal of CARS.

Congress Topics
Relevant research and development in Radiology, Surgery, Dentistry,
Computer Science, and Biomedical Engineering including but not limited

24th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology
Chairman: Stanley Baum, MD (USA)
Co-chair: Borut Marincek, MD (CH)

- Medical Imaging, e.g.
- CT, MR, US, SPECT, PET, DR, Molecular Imaging, and Virtual Endoscopy
- Computer Assisted Cardiovascular Imaging
- Image Processing and Display
- Medical Workstations
- Interventional Radiology
- Minimally Invasive Spinal Therapy
- Image Guided Diagnosis and Therapy of the Prostate
- Ablation Therapies
- Image Guided Radiation Therapy
- Nanotechnology for Imaging and Therapy
- Telemedicine, E-health and Multimedia EPR
- Expert Systems and Computer Assisted Education
- Economic and Management Issues
- Security, Legal and Ethical Aspects

14th Annual Conference of the International Society for Computer Aided
President: Gero Strauss, MD (D)

- Computer Applications for e.g. Neurosurgery, Head and Neck,
Ear Nose and Throat, Cardiovascular and Thoracoabdominal Surgery, and
Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery
- Image Guided Therapy
- Image Processing and Visualization
- Surgical Robotics and Instrumentation
- Surgical Navigation
- Surgical Simulation
- 3D Modelling and Rapid Prototyping
- Postoperative Result Assessment
- Surgical Education and Training
- Haptics and Multimodal Devices in Medical Applications
- Methods of Validation and Verification
- Computer-Assisted Planning
- Decision Management
- Navigated Control
- Surgical Workplace – Ergonomics

12th International Workshop on Computer-Aided Diagnosis
Chairman: Kunio Doi, PhD (USA)
Co-chair: Ulrich Bick, MD (D)

- CAD for Breast, Chest, Colon, Skeletal, Liver, Brain and Vascular
- CAD for Cancer Screening
- CAD for 3D Imaging
- CAD for Differential Diagnosis
- CAD for CT, MRI, Ultrasonography, PET and Nuclear Medicine Imaging
- Image Databases for CAD
- Computer Vision, ANN and Modelling
- Computerized Detection and Characterization of Lesions in Radiological
- Quantitative Analysis of Image Information
- Visualization and Quantitation of 3D Images
- Intelligent Workstations and Decision Support Systems
- Observer Performance Studies and ROC Analysis
- Clinical Evaluation and Prospective Studies
- Image Quality Issues and Evaluation
- CAD in PACS Environment

16th Computed Maxillofacial Imaging Congress
Chairman: Allan G. Farman, PhD, DSc (USA)

- New Imaging Devices and Novel Applications
- Evidence-based Selection Criteria in Digital Maxillofacial Imaging
- Craniomaxillofacial Computer-Aided Diagnosis
- Maxillofacial Image Enhancement Algorithms
- Cranial and Maxillofacial Image Guided Surgery
- Image Navigated Dental Implantology
- Orthodontic Applications of Computed Imaging
- Endodontic Applications of Computed Imaging
- Imaging and Modelling for Maxillofacial Prosthodontics
- Cone Beam CT
- 3D and 4D Imaging
- Multi-dimensional Maxillofacial Modelling
- Virtual Reality and Dental Robotics
- Interoperability
- Maxillofacial Applications in Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise

28th International EuroPACS Meeting
President: Osman M. Ratib, MD, PhD (CH)

- PACS Architecture and Workflow
- PACS Workstation Design and Ergonomics
- PACS Integration in Surgical and Interventional Suites
- Open Source Software for PACS
- PACS Planning and Purchasing Strategies
- PACS Evaluation and Economical Aspects
- PACS Beyond Radiology (Cardiology, Endoscopy, Ophthalmology, etc.)
- Image Distribution, Storage and Archiving Strategies
- PACS/RIS/HIS Integration Issues
- Regional PACS and Teleradiology
- Security and Privacy, Quality Assurance, Legal Aspects
- Standardization (DICOM, HL7, IHE)
- PACS and E-Learning in Radiology and Medical Sciences

11th CARS / SPIE / EuroPACS Joint Workshop on Surgical PACS and the Digital
Operating Room
Chairmen: Osman M. Ratib, MD, PhD (CH), Heinz U. Lemke, PhD (D)

- Surgical Workflow and Management
- Digital Operating Room
- Therapy Imaging and Model Management Systems
- Surgical PACS
- DICOM in Surgery
- IHE in Surgery
- New Paradigms in Digital OR Design
- Knowledge Management for Pre-, Intra- and Postoperative Support
- Surgical Planning Services
- Managerial and Clinical Decision Support
- Clinical Studies and Outcome

Abstracts or papers including new methods, devices and applications,
clinical studies, position papers, and poster topics for presentation at
the congress are solicited. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by members
of the international program committee. Abstracts of accepted lecture and
poster presentations will be published in the CARS 2010 Proceedings, which
will be distributed to all congress participants. Full paper contributions
will be included in regular issues of the International Journal of CARS.
Authors should send their submissions through the CARS website, see
further information and guidelines at

Timetable Submission of abstracts / papers : January 11, 2010
Notification of acceptance : February 12, 2010
Submission of final abstracts: March 11, 2010
Publication of final papers: after the peer-review process

Congress Venue
The Congress will be held at the University Medical Center, Geneva,
Switzerland. Please email the congress organizer if you require further

Congress President
Osman M. Ratib, MD, PhD

Congress Committees

Congress Organizer
Heinz Lemke, PhD
International Foundation for CARS, Germany

For registration and additional information, contact the
CARS Conference Office at

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