MedTech I.Q.

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Recently, we posted a view from the respected Chillmark Research Group on the recent HIMSS (Health Information Management Systems Society) 2010 conference in Atlanta, Georgia ... "HIMSS 2010 ... Chillmark Says Nothing New ... What do you think?"...

...  Here is an alternate view from the equally well respected Dana Blankenhorn from ZDNet Healthcare ... "HIMSS Shows How Policy Drives Industry"...

Can they both be true? Yes, I think so.  Are they both worthwhile analyses of where the U.S. Health IT industry is?  Definetly.

Read on for excerpts of the Blankenhorn post below, or read the full article at:


The 2010 HIMSS show was a perfect example of how politics, and policy, drives industry...

...In visiting the HIMSS show in 2008, and again in 2010, I found the industry transformed, and reshaped, by changing political winds...

...Back in 2008, for instance, I found an industry stuck in the 1980s, focused mainly on questions of billing, and determined to help its members keep other players out by certifying whether software had feature sets that were its members’ proprietary advantages...

...In 2010, by contrast, I found an industry seeking to be on the forefront of change, determined that its gear could save money, save lives, and save the American health care system...

...The difference between the two years was, of course, politics. The election of Barack Obama, the $19.2 billion in stimulus money under the HITECH Act, and the creation of “meaningful use” guidelines during 2009, all caused the industry to evolve...

... the 2010 industry was filled with SaaS players like Allscripts and AthenaHealth. Meaningful use replaced certification as the industry buzzphrase ...

...My own attitude toward the industry underwent a notable shift as well...

...I saw HIMSS in 2008 as being opposed to necessary change, a closed club. In 2010 HIMSS was a change leader, embracing new market entrants, even those using open source. ..

Views: 6

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