Here are the vital statistics from this year's HIMSS conference in Atlanta,
Georgia from March 1-4.

See link to HIMSS 2010 video:
... Registration: 27,855, compared to 27,627 at
HIMSS09. Professional registration outpaced 2009 by 8.5% with 13,846, compared to 12,766 in 2009, registrants in this category. Nearly 30% of those registering came from healthcare provider settings; 11% of registrants were CIO and CTOs; nearly 10% were CEOs. Almost 8% are from countries outside of the United States...
... Education: More than 300 education sessions. Hot topics included: Meaningful Use standards, certification and criteria, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act/ARRA or "Stimulus" programs, ONC HIT programs to advance health Information Technology (IT), nationwide deployment of electronic health records, and health IT privacy and security practices...
... Exhibitors: 934, compared to 907 at HIMSS09 ...
... Interoperability Showcase: Largest HIMSS Interoperability Showcase had 84 different
participants that demonstrated 96 unique systems. The more than 50 clinical scenarios highlighted a proposed metric for achieving Meaningful Use. New this year was the collaboration between the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase and the Federal Health Architecture, featuring
“A Path to Improved Care: Communities CONNECTing to the NHIN,” demonstrating advanced technology that allows the exchange of information between government entities and the private sector...
... Certification Process: Dr. David Blumenthal, National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC HIT), announced the release of the Notice
of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) for the HHS Certification Process. As outlined in ARRA, the NPRM establishes steps for: a) organizations to be
authorized by ONC as certifying bodies, and b) EHR technology companies to get their products certified against Meaningful Use criteria ...
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