MedTech I.Q.

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See article penned by MedTech-IQ member, Neil Versel at FierceHealthIT on the emerging, and "fierce", U.S. market for Health Information Exchange (HIE) technologies ...

... HIEs are particularly important now that federal stimulus money has reached the States for execution and set-up of statewide exchanges... Neil is a leading Health IT journalist, and is among the most important voices in the field ...



Even though health information exchange has been around for a while, the market for HIE technology remains crowded, with no real dominant players, a new KLAS Enterprises report shows, suggesting that vendors have a long way to go to earn the confidence of potential customers.

In a survey of 95 provider organizations, respondents named an astounding 38 different vendors they were considering for HIE technology. But only five vendors were being considered by at least 10 percent of those providers, KLAS reports. Potential customers considered Medicity in 23 percent of purchasing decisions, while Axolotl was on the list of 22 percent of respondents. McKesson's RelayHealth, Informatics Corp. of America (ICA) and Epic Systems also were considered more than 10 percent of the time, but, KLAS notes, most of those seriously interested in Epic were looking for Epic-to-Epic connections...

Read on at: KLAS: HIE software market is crowded, muddled - FierceHealthIT

To learn more:

- have a look at this Healthcare IT News story
- order the report from KLAS

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