As reported in ScienceDaily, Vanderbilt University researchers have recently published findings demonstrating the use of large bio-data repositories of
Electronic Health Records (EHR) to discover, assess and validate associations between genes and
diseases ...
... In "
Robust Replication of Genotype-Phenotype Associations across Multiple
Diseases in an Electronic Medical Record",
The American Journal of Human Genetics ...
Dan M. Roden and colleagues studied whether an EHR-linked DNA biorepository could be used to detect known genotype-phenotype associations for five diseases ... atrial fibrillation, Crohn disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and type 2 diabetes ...
... In analyzing 9483 samples accrued
over 4 months from the BioVU, Vanderbilt University Medical Center DNA biobank, statistically significant associations were detected in each of the
five diseases studied ...
... This data begins to demonstrate what we have all suspected intuitively, that phenotypes representing clinical
diagnoses can be extracted from EHR systems.. Exciting News!
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