As reported in Medical News Today ... The first virtual reality headset that can stimulate all five senses was unveiled at a major science event in London on March 4th.
... with funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), scientists from the Universities of York and Warwick believe they have been able to pinpoint the necessary expertise to make this possible, in a project called 'Towards Real Virtuality'... a fully immersive perceptual experience, during which they cannot tell whether or not it is real.
"Smell will be generated electronically via a new technique being pioneered by Alan Chalmers and his team at Warwick which will deliver a pre-determined smell recipe on-demand. Taste and smell are closely linked but we intend to provide a texture sensation relating to something being in the mouth. Tactile devices will provide touch." A key objective will be to optimise the way all five senses interact, as in real life.
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