As reported in Technology Transfer Tactics ... Columbia University Science & Technology Ventures (STV) and New York-based EndoRobotics, Inc. have entered into an exclusive license agreement to develop and commercialize a micro-robotic imaging and surgical device platform designed to reduce the complexity of minimally invasive surgical (MIS) procedures and improve patient outcomes...
...only about 10% of all lung resections and fewer than 7% of colon resections in the U.S. are performed using laparoscopic techniques because existing technology requires extensive training and significant dexterity to operate. To address that issue, privately held start-up EndoRobotics is developing a micro-robotic camera designed to reduce the complexity of MIS procedures. Called VisionTrackerOne, the device is controlled by surgeons using intuitive motions. The company is pursuing seven indications for clinical approval that, collectively, represent more than four million open surgical procedures annually.
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