As reported in Xconomy ... Imagine a soldier is wounded in the middle of a violent firefight in the streets of Mosul, Iraq. With bullets whizzing in every direction, it’s almost guaranteed that a medic would be shot in a rescue attempt. Enter the BEAR robot, which rolls up to the wounded soldier, scoops her up in its arms, and spirits her away to safety. This scenario, still hypothetical at this point, is the initial aim of the BEAR (Battlefield Extraction-Assist Robot).
Vecna Technologies, which developed the BEAR in Cambridge, MA, for the U.S. Army, tells Xconomy that the rescue robot is expected to be put through its paces for the first time at Fort Benning, GA, as early as mid-April, representing a major milestone in its development. “We’re a bunch of nerds mostly from MIT, Stanford, and other nerdy schools,” says Andrew Allen, an engineer who is managing the project at Vecna. “We need the feedback from the field to know what are the technical challenges, so that the soldiers in the field can be helped by this system.”...
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