The PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Health Research Institute has just published a comprehensive report on the prospects for "Personalized Medicine" over the next decade ...
Your pdf copy is attached below ...
Key Highlights ..
* Health leaders will become Agile Caretakers of Interdependent Networks that Grow Smarter
as they get to know and support each individual
* Health will be customized around a framework of Six Vectors personalizing diagnosis, care
and cure for individuals
* The Six Vectors shaping the new healthcare framework are:
• Incentives that encourage partnerships
• Regulatory reforms
• Funding that redistributes spending
• Patient communication that supports choice
• Information technology that eases collaboration
• Flexible workforce models
* The Three Key Issues forcing change are:
• Rising chronic diseases among young and old
• Technology-enabled mass customization
• Understanding of genetic, behavioral and socio-economic factors on
* What does this mean for you! Health systems will use five touchpoints to engage individuals:
• Coordinated care teams
• Fluent navigators
• Patient experience benchmarks
• Medical proving grounds
• Care-anywhere networks
- Attachments: