MedTech I.Q.

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As reported in the Dallas Morning News ... doctors, hospitals, and high-tech companies such as Dallas-based AT&T Inc. are using a new generation of devices that let medical professionals track patient progress.

These wireless devices automatically send doctors stats that people already measure – weight, blood pressure, etc. – so doctors can intervene at the first sign of trouble rather than waiting till patients feel bad enough to seek help...

..."Many patients struggle to follow complex treatment regimes," said David Whitlinger, president of the Continua Health Alliance, a technology industry consortium that develops and promotes open standards for medical devices...

The Department of Veterans Affairs already uses such "telehealth" technology on 35,000 patients.

Now, private health groups – working with insurers, universities and technology makers – have begun tests that could lead to widespread deployment over the next couple of years.

"A lot of this is old technology," said Bob Miller, executive director of AT&T's communications-technology research department. "But we're putting it together in ways that will help millions of people live dramatically better lives."

The old technology in question includes thermometers, scales and blood-pressure cuffs. Even the wireless data transfer relies largely on established systems, such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, that have been modified to save power.

Combined, however, these old technologies create something new.

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