Please join me in congratulating Joe Kvedar, Director, Center for ConnectHealth and Joe Ternullo, Associate Director, Center for ConnectHealth on organizing another outstanding "Connected Health Symposium" in Boston, 21-22 October 2009.
The symposium is becoming an increasingly important annual milestone for the Health IT, Telemedicine, eHealth, mHealth, and of course, "Connected Health" communities.
For those unable able to attend this year, the Center for ConnectedHealth has made a wealth of news and presentations from the symposium available online at:
Please see for yourself the provocative and insightful developments that have now become the standard for this "Thought Leader" Center of Excellence. Speakers this year included MedTech-IQ members Ben Sawyer (Serious Games & Health) and Jay Sanders (The Futurists). Presentations available online include:
Healthcare Reform, Payment Reform, and the Implications for Connected Health
- Stuart Altman, PhD, Professor of National Health Policy, The Heller Graduate School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University
A Conversation on the Policies and Politics of Healthcare Reform
- Ed Markey, US Congressman (D-MA)
- Jim Mongan, MD, CEO, Partners HealthCare
Behavioral Health and Telehealth: Assessing the Market and Charting the Way Forward
Grading Care: Tracking the Strengths, Weaknesses and Future of Online Provider Ratings
The Futurists
The Emerging Use of Videogames for Health: Innovations, Impacts and Issues
Medicare Demonstrations: Where We Are, What We've Learned and Where We're Going Next
Mobile Health: Leapfrog Technology for the Developing World?
Analyzing Digital Health by the numbers: Five Years of Market Trends - and What They Mean for the Next Five
Connected Health at Scale: Changing Roles for Patients and Providers
The Innovator's Prescription: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change Health Care
Irrational Decisions and the Limits of Free Market Medicine
Drilling Down on Mad Markets, Gentle Nudges and Behavioral Economics: Real-Life Applications for Healthcare
Addressing Racial and Ethnic Disparities through Healthcare IT: One Size Doesn't Fit All
Coordinating Care: What's Really Involved and Who's Really Going to Do It?