As reported in Healthcare Informatics ... GE Healthcare is unveiling an initiative aimed at developing wireless medical monitoring systems, or body sensor networks (BSN.)
... BSNs, which consists of sensor devices that collect critical patient-specific information, including temperature, pulse-oximetry, blood glucose levels, electrocardiogram readings, blood pressure levels and respiratory function. This real-time patient information can be collected and transmitted to doctors and nurses to enable efficient patient monitoring from any location...
... Additionally, BSNs would eliminate the need to disconnect and reconnect wires as patients change care areas. This is critical, says GE, as patients often require varying levels of care throughout their hospital stay, progressing from low-acuity to high-acuity and back to low-acuity before discharge. With BSNs, caregivers will be able to quickly add or remove parameter sensors as medical conditions warrant, integrating and evaluating parameters to make informed treatment decisions...
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