The ATA has really hit their collective stride.
As I write this post, I am watching an excellent video webcast by Medtech-IQ member, Jon Linkous, CEO, American Telemedicine Association and his associate Gary Capistrant, Senior Director of Public Policy. A masterful, cogent overview of telemedicine, the "Stimulus" funding and U.S. national healthcare reform is being offered.
There is a significant amount of money available to support "telemedicine" if you know where to look. In the NOFA (Notice of Funding Availability) for the Broadband stimulus bill alone, which exceeds $4 billion, there are numerous references to telemedicine project funding amounting over $100 million. They also covered potential telemedicine funding/policy issues emanating from the U.S. Departments of Agriculture (USDA), Health and Human Services (HHS), Center Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and the Federal Comunications Commission (FCC), NOTE: many of the application timelines for these programs are incredibly short. Some applications need to be submitted as early as August 2009.
If you are a member of the ATA you should be able to get a copy of the webcast directly from the ATA homepage at their
"Telemedicine Stimulus Package Central", If your not a ATA member and are interested in getting this timely funding information, you may want to consider joining.
It appears that all of the ATA's work over the years is really beginning to pay off ... The Ship is Coming In ... ect. ect., ect..