MedTech I.Q.

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A message from CC...Conrad Clyburn (Clymer Grp) to all members of Telemedicine & eHealth on MedTechIQ!



Partners' Connected Health Symposium takes place in October of this year at the Boston Park Plaza. It will be the most thought-provoking in the Symposium's history. I'd like you to be there and I know I can promise you a compelling program.

Early-bird registration and exhibition and sponsorship options go up in several days on, the Center's web site.

The Center for Connected Health is in the business of revolution. We believe health care will have its renaissance when it moves beyond the hospital and clinic and into the day-to-day lives of consumers and patients. The Center's job is to put telecommunications and information technology -- computers, cell phones, the Internet and others -- at the service of this rebirth.

I hear people say that information technology is merely a tool. Well, sure, in the sense that indoor plumbing and the electric turbine and the printing press – even the wheel – are tools.

The truth is, tools change the world. Buckling under the triple commands of access, quality and affordability, the world of health care needs change in our time. Come to Boston, in the fall, so that we can get the tool kits ready.

Very truly yours,

Joseph L. Ternullo, JD, MPH
Associate Director, Partners HealthCare's Center for Connected Health
Vice President, Continua Health Alliance
25 New Chardon St, Suite 400D
Boston, MA 02114

cc: Joseph C. Kvedar, MD

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