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Loss of information, or its erroneous transmutation, has been identified as a major source of error leading to morbidity and mortality among patients (IOM report: To Err is Human). An approach to dealing with this problem is to improve training in processes and communication throughout the health care system.
We have developed a training system that uses online virtual medical environments, such as 3D representations of hospitals, clinics and emergency departments, within which learners can interact with each other around simulated emergencies or routine situations of clinical care. This role-playing and debrief approach to experiential learning in simulated but authentic in-hospital and out-of-hospital settings, has been shown, in our research studies, to be effective in training for processes and communication in Advanced Trauma Life Support, in mass casualty preparedness for Emergency Department teams, and in teaching high school students the conditions under which it is appropriate to administer CPR. In studies that compare training in virtual worlds with training using instrumented plastic manikins simulating human patients, we have demonstrated learning efficacy, as well as an increase in confidence, in the populations studied. This learning method has also proved very satisfying to learners who like being able to practice their skills in simulated situations that range from simple to highly complex.
We provide complete systems and online training for integration into medical, nursing and paramedical courses, focusing on information exchange during handoff from team to team such as during shift change or when transferring a patient from one service to another. We also provide simulated patients with detailed scenarios, with trauma, hypovolemic shock, or asphyxiation, for use in online virtual medical environments.
Please contact Parvati Dev at 650-208-8142 ( for more information.