Find attached, a copy of the FCC's most recent "National Broadband Plan: National Purposes Update" . It derives from the 18 February 2010 Commissioner's meeting... The FCC will deliver the National Broadband Plan to Congress on March 17 2010 ...
... Note the prominence given Healthcare...
... Clearly, the FCC perceives e-Care, what I call telemedicine, eHealth, mHealth and/or Health IT, as a compelling priority... the FCC urges federal authorities to: 1) expand
reimbursement for telemedicine and other e-health care;2) to conduct more pilot projects;3) to deliver a plan to Congress on how to advance telemedicine and health information technology; 4) to clarify regulatory requirements, licensing and credentialing; 5) to expand interoperability between clinical, research and administrative health care data; and 6) To ensure all providers have access to affordable broadband, and that rural e-health care be subsidized for both ongoing costs and network deployment...
... on the non-medical front, the FCC lists among its priorities expanding distance
learning, smart energy, government transparency and online accessibility, job creation and using broadband for public safety...
The commission has been developing the national broadband strategy since April 2009. Simultaneously, other elements of the federal government, i.e., the USDA-RUS Broadband Initiatives Program (BIP) and the DOC-NTIA Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP), have begun distributing nearly $7 billion in economic stimulus funds for broadband projects in rural and underserved areas...
- Attachments: