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Thanx are due, as is frequently the case, to the highly informed MedTech-IQ Member, Eric Noji, for this reminder ...

The Peer Reviewed Orthopaedic Research Program (PRORP) was established by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) in Fiscal Year 2009 (FY09) to address the leading burden of injury and loss of fitness for military duty by funding innovative, high-impact, clinically relevant research to advance treatment and rapid rehabilitation from musculoskeletal injuries sustained during combat or combat related activities. The FY09 PRORP provides a total appropriation of $112M to support military-relevant, peer-reviewed orthopaedic research...

... The program highly encourages the submission of applications involving multidisciplinary collaborations among academia, industry, the military services, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and other Federal Government agencies...

The program is broken down into 5 separately managed funding opportunities:

1. Clinical Trial Award; Funding Opportunity Number: W81XWH-09-PRORP-CTA
* Independent investigators at or above the level of Assistant Professor (or equivalent)
* Preproposal is required; application submission is by invitation only
* Applications must address at least one of the following research focus areas:
- enhancement of the tissue environment for healing;
- prevention of complications;
- restoration of joint function;
- and treatment of orthopaedic injuries (and sequelae) of the spine not related to spinal cord injury
* Maximum funding of $2.725M; Period of performance not to exceed 4 years
* Pre-application (Preproposal): August 13, 2009, 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time
* Application: November 17, 2009, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time

2. Hypothesis Development Award; Funding Opportunity Number:W81XWH-09-PRORP-HDA
* Investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent)
* Letter of intent is required
* Funds the initial exploration of innovative, untested, potentially groundbreaking concepts in all areas of orthopaedic research relevant to treatment and rehabilitation from military combat-related injuries
* Maximum funding of $100K; Period of performance not to exceed 18 months
* Pre-application (Letter of Intent): August 25, 2009, 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time
* Application: September 15, 2009, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time

3. Idea Development Award; Funding Opportunity Number:
* Investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent)
* Preproposal is required; application submission is by invitation only
* Supports conceptually innovative, high-impact research from all areas of basic, translational, and clinical research as they relate to the research focus areas:
- enhancement of the tissue environment for healing;
- prevention of complications;
- maintenance/enhancement of long-term socket performance/fit;
- solution of critical issues in osseointegration
* Maximum funding of $400K; Period of performance not to exceed 3 years
* Pre-application (Preproposal): August 13, 2009, 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time
* Application: November 17, 2009; 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time

4. Technology Development Award; Funding Opportunity Number:
* Independent investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent)
* Preproposal is required; application submission is by invitation only
* Provides funding for improved technologies and resources to advance the field of research focused on military combat-relevant orthopaedic injury and rehabilitative medicine. Applications must address at least one of the following research focus areas:
- development of in vivo translational models for the acute injury environment and for restoration of joint function;
- maintenance/ enhancement of long-term socket performance/fit
* Maximum funding of $2M; Period of performance not to exceed 4 years
* Pre-application (Preproposal): August 13, 2009, 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time
* Application: November 17, 2009, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time

5. Translational Research Partnership Award; Funding Opportunity Number: W81XWH-09-PRORP-TRPA
* Independent investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent)
* Preproposal is required; application submission is by invitation only
* Supports the development of multi-institutional, multidisciplinary translational research partnerships between clinicians and laboratory scientists to accelerate the movement of promising research hypotheses into clinical applications in a manner that would be less readily achievable through separate efforts. Applications must address at least one of the following research focus areas:
- restoration of joint function;
- orthopaedic injuries (and sequelae) of the spine not related to spinal cord injury;
- acceleration of healing;
- development of a functional innervated muscle for repair of soft tissue injury;
- solution of critical issues in osseointegration
* Maximum funding of $750K; Period of performance not to exceed 3 years
* Pre-application (Preproposal): August 13, 2009, 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time
* Application: November 17, 2009, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time

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