Please see message below from MedTech-IQ members at CIMIT (Center for Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technology) in Boston...
The 2010 CIMIT Prize for Primary Healthcare
online submission site is now open to accept completed letters of intent.

Deadline to submit a letter of intent is January 17, 2010.
The CIMIT Prize for Primary Healthcare seeks ideas for technologic innovations with great potential to support and catalyze improved delivery of healthcare at the frontlines of medicine. The top three entrants (individuals or teams) will receive $150,000, $100,000 and $50,000, respectively*, to help advance their winning clinically-relevant, primary care solutions. The three prize winners will be selected from ten finalists, who will be chosen to advance to the final round from all submissions received by January 17, 2010.
This national competition is open to graduate and undergraduate engineering students from accredited engineering programs. Student collaboration and team submissions are strongly encouraged.
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CIMIT Prize information and evaluation criteria including sample primary care examples of patient needs and potential design opportunities to stimulate ideas.
* The funds will be transferred to the student(s) home institution for appropriate dispersal.
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