Dr Samir Chatterjee & Dr Parvati Dev (MedTechIQ Members) Announce:
Call for Papers
The Fourth International Conference on Persuasive Technology
April 26-29, 2009
Claremont, California, USA
Submission Format/Additional Information:
(Proceedings to be published by ACM and available in ACM Digital Library)
Persuasive Technology is about using Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to change what we think and do. We are just entering the era of persuasive technology, of interactive computing systems designed to change people's attitudes and behaviors. Persuasive 2009 builds on the successful prior conferences held at Eindhoven, Stanford and Oulu. The Claremont conference will assemble people from all parts of the world interested in such technologies by sharing their insights into how video games, mobile phone applications, web sites & social networking sites can be designed to motivate & influence people.
Academics & practitioners with an interest in research, theory, technologies, design, & applications related to persuasion are invited to submit their work at Persuasive 2009, Claremont Colleges campus, Claremont, California.
Confirmed Keynoters & Distinguished Speakers:
Brenda Laurel, BJ Fogg, Mihály Csikszentmihalyi, Pål Kraft
We invite papers, panel ideas & tutorial topics from researchers working in the field of persuasive technologies. The research themes for the conference include, but are not limited to:
Persuasion for Healthy Living
Persuasion via Social Networking
Mobile & Ubiquitous Persuasion
Gaming & Persuasion
Design, Human Computer Interaction
General Persuasion
Cutting-Edge Topics:
Categories of Submission:
Research Paper
Panel Proposals
Important Dates:
Paper submission: Jan 2, 2009.
Author notification: February 29, 2009.
Camera-ready: March 27, 2009
Registration opens: Dec 1, 2008.
Doctoral Consortium: April 26, 2009
Conference dates: April 27-29, 2009
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