MedTech I.Q.

The Cutting Edge of Medical Technology Content, Community & Collaboration

New Member Update ... Who Are We? ... What Do We Do? ... How Can We Help! (PART 1)


In the continuing quest to bring you the 3Cs of "Content, Community & Collaboration", MedTech-IQ continues to attract new members by "word of mouth".

So, what does a typical day at MedTech-IQ look like?

According to Google analytics, we have 773 active members. On the 27th of August 2009, we had 266 visitors, 152 which were returning members, and 114 new visitors. Combined the visitors spent an average of 7 minutes and 25 seconds on the site, consuming 829 pageviews. On that day, our visitors came from 27 countries, including the United States, India, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Austria, Germany, Finland, Israel and France.

And here now ... our new members. Please let them know they are welcome. Be sure to contact them if you share an area of interest.



P.S. Due to the large number of new members, we are breaking the update into two parts, Part 1 (below) ,and Part 2 to be transmitted tomorrow.

Academia & Non-Proft:

Dr Antonia Arnaert- Associate Pr: E-HEALTH AND TELEMEDICINE RESEARCH. Canada

John A. Liebert, MD: Clinical Decision Support for Interview Support & Workup in Clinical Encounters with unknown patients for Emergency, Urgent Care and Acute Care settings. Integration of Telehealth and EHR in military medicine. USA

Deborah Ervin: Marketing & Communications. USA

Anup Desai: Current interest: Piloting Health Informatics projects to cut hospital cost structures.
Background: M.D., Ph.D. with experience in ambulatory/inpatient medicine, preventative care, coordination of clinical trials, and biotech/pharma. USA

Tanay Tiwary: Engineering. India

Kate Jackson: Social Networking and e-Health. USA

Molly Ingraham: California's life sciences industry, California's academic life sciences community. USA

James F. Gerraughty: MBA: Media Production. USA

Judy Hsieh: Commercialization Assistance Program. USA

Jennifer E. Fox: High-Throughput Screening, High-Content Analysis, Drug Discovery & Development, Commercialization. USA

mydi: MD. Indonesia

Rebecca Zukowski: Program Management, Government and Military Contracting, Information Technology, Medical and Healthcare Management. USA

Laura D: Public Health. USA

Nicholas David Thayer: Humanoid Robotics, Robotic Design, Robotic Control. USA

Alan Ravitz: Biomedical Engineering, Systems Engineering. USA

Nicole Beckstrand: Communications. USA

O. Johnson: Telemedicine/telehealth. Canada

Gabriele: Knowledge Management & Communications. USA

Rita Wutoh, MD, MPH: Internal Medicine, Health Informatics. USA

Bart Stidham: Development. USA


Victor W. Hwang: Venture capital, spinouts from government/academia, technology commercialization, SBIR, global economic development. USA

Eduardo Morelos: Biotechnology, Biomedical engineering, Medical devices, Business development. Mexico

Tom A. Tanglos: Post rehabilitation training and medical exercise. Patent inventor of medical device. ( USA)

Tom Muscarella: Venture Capital. USA

Vincent Wright: Marketing Consultant; Business Development Coach; Director of Community ( ), More at: USA

Chuck Scifers: I approach any problem to be solved by utilizing the “Design Thinking” approach. With an advanced degree in Industrial Design, and years of experience in Engineering, Product Development, Management, Marketing and Sales, I approach each situation with a broad, rather than deep philosophy. Knowing the priorities and problems of all of the areas of the business enterprise provides a cognitive overview and enables a creative and innovative approach. As Principal in MetaMatrix Groupe, I have assembled a cadre of industry professionals that are available and directed toward solving select problems of the emerging enterprise on a cost-effective, as-needed basis. This approach of incorporating “T” shaped professionals results in far more successful projects than a single focused deep-dive into a single discipline. For, unless the entire organization understands and accepts the problems and designs a whole solution, complete success is rarely achieved. USA

Scott Joy: Multi-functional micro communications devices. USA

Monica Alfaro Welling: Founder and Managing Partner of Strategic Links, Inc. Strategic Links is a boutique management consulting group which partners with life science companies:
•Offers key learnings and best practices from having managed products in numerous therapeutic areas through the commercial process from early to late stage development
•Understands how to develop and communicate product and company opportunities, business models, and value propositions to support company growth, as a result of their experience managing companies in early fundraising stages to in/out-licensing of technologies
•Knows the importance of managing key stakeholder expectations in the business decision making process, from having held senior level positions in start-up and large established life science companies
•Enhances performance in any stage of a company’s growth cycle because of the depth and breadth of their experience in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and medical devices
Ms Welling has over 19 years experience working in national and internationl biopharm/device companies. This includes all aspects of new product planning, strategic and business planning, market development, pre-launch and launch, and life-cycle management. Ms Welling is a commercial advisor for Zacharon Pharmaceuticals Inc., an advisor for the National Institute of Health SBIR/STTR CAP grant program, a commercial reviewer for the National Science Foundation SBIR Phase I/II program and National Cancer Institute Bridge program, and on the screening committee for the SoCalBio Investor program.

Barry Ambrose:Active Tags for Medical Logistics and Asset Tracking. USA

Mark W, Drummey: Mr. Drummey has specialized for over 25 years in life science strategic business development including diagnostic telehealth monitoring services, centralized electronic patient database services, cardiology device equipment, clinical trial testing services, pharmaceutical sales, and DoD RDT&E programs for the Army and Air Force Surgeon Generals. USA

Cassie Arnold: Marketing Communications. USA

Rene Mitchell: We’ve spent more than a century (combined) improving the efficiencies of government agencies and private industry in research and development, program management, process redesign, systems engineering, technology, and much more. The services we provide are diverse, but one thing is common; when the mission is complex, we feel right at home.
•Technology Services •Research Services •Systems Engineering Services •Management Services •IT contingency planning •System design documentation and technical data support •Software engineering, development, programming and network support •Configuration Management (CM) support *Interoperability, test and evaluation, trials support •IS and IA development and IT support •Information infrastructure planning and management •System requirements definition •IT security and privacy
•Technical consulting •Application architecture support •Infrastructure application support
•Information resources management •Technical training •IT/IM policy •Research and development support
•Independent validation and verification •Technology assessments acquisition support •Best practices analysis and benchmarking •Process engineering and support •Modeling simulation and analysis support
•Prototyping, pre-production, model-making, fabrication support •Human factors engineering support
•System safety engineering support •Measurement facilities, range and instrumentation support
•Organizational development and human capital management •Quality assurance/quality control
Management •RM&A support •Business Process re-engineering •Facilities management support
•Quality assurance support •Acquisition logistics support •Training support •Program support
•Communication support •Customer relationship management •Administrative support•Product Management
•Architecture & planning support •Enterprise architecture support •Investment asset management

aarondickson: Spine. Canada

Angela Harpalani: Data Management, Business Intelligence for Healthcare and Medical. ETL, Analytics/OLAP, Cognos, Abinitio, Informatics, Data Architecture, Reporting, Sybase, MicroStrategy, PL/SQL. USA

Shantanu Basu: Legal - Life Sciences, Intellectual property, patents. USA

Walter Grant: Telehealth, Medical Informatics. USA

Bill (William E.) Davidson: Electronic and RF design specializing in RFID, Conrol Systems and Instrumentation. Current medical product designs center around RFID at all ISM bands, sterilization systems and blood treatment. USA

Manali Dighe: Patent Attorney in the field of biotechnology, medical devices, and chemistry. USA

Reginald Carey: Entrepreneur, Inventor, Computer Scientist. USA

Fred Fritz: Medical Devices. USA

Dr.Don Weissman: Healthcare and the Life Sciences, Strategic Advisory Services including Board formation, Corporate Governance and the development, funding and partnering of Companies, Projects and Investments in the HealthCare and Life Science Industries. BioMedical and Surgical Devices, Informatics, Initiatives and Reimbursement Programs, Pharma and Nutraceuticals, Telemedicine, Surgical and Outpatient facilities, Organic foods & Thebardiet, condition specifics, Lifestyle enhancements, Vitality and Wellness programs. Business Development and Corporate Governance. Strategic Analysis, Initiatives and Implementation. Advisory services to companies, executives, investors, universities, governments and stake holders. Organizational Effectiveness and Achievement

Jeffrey A. Ploetz: Personal Health Records and Remote Telemedicine. USA

Theodore Williams II: Computer Science, Database Field, Oracle, Multimedia Databases. USA

Gerald J. Yakatan, Ph.D.: Drug Discovery and Development. USA

Jason A. (JT) Thompson: Emergency Medicine and General Healthcare. USA

Robert Warner: RFID. USA

Julia Ferrara: Healthcare Consulting in Pharmaceuticals & Devices. USA

Kim Robarts: New medical research. USA


Moises Cisneros: Economic Development. USA

James Mason: Telemedicine and Project Management. USA

Mark E Berger: Telecommunications. USA

Views: 15


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