All Videos Tagged gov2.0 (MedTech I.Q.) - MedTech I.Q. 2025-01-16T06:03:42Z Strategy:Slideshow - Government 2.0 -- trends and adoption strategies,2008-11-29:2140535:Video:6844 2008-11-29T19:44:29.458Z CC-Conrad Clyburn-MedForeSight With the Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO), soon to release Web 2.0 guidelines for their Federal Government what impact will this have on the way agencies are likely to conduct their online operations? What role will government play in a Web 2.0 environment?<br></br> <br></br> Matthew Hogdson, SMS Management &amp; Technology, looks at examples of how governments from Australia and around the world are starting to interact with citizens in online environments. He will draw… With the Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO), soon to release Web 2.0 guidelines for their Federal Government what impact will this have on the way agencies are likely to conduct their online operations? What role will government play in a Web 2.0 environment?<br /> <br /> Matthew Hogdson, SMS Management &amp; Technology, looks at examples of how governments from Australia and around the world are starting to interact with citizens in online environments. He will draw from his recent experience with a government department in planning and scoping a web 2.0-style project to show how easy it is to move into a government 2.0 world.