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Evidence Based Worry Management without Medication

Event Details

Evidence Based Worry Management without Medication

Time: January 18, 2019 from 10am to 11:30am
Location: Online
Street: Online
City/Town: Fremont
Website or Map:…
Phone: 800-385-1607
Event Type: webinar
Organized By: Netzealous LLC - MentorHealth
Latest Activity: Nov 21, 2018

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Event Description


Nearly everyone worries and more than 1/4 of people say they worry too much. In this webinar learn why treating worry is the key to improving physical and mental health, including depression.

Learn that the best treatment for generalized anxiety disorder (excessive worry), is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). While it is best to refer to a therapist specializing in CBT you will learn simple strategies to get patients started.

Why should you Attend: More than 25% of people report that they worry too much. It has recently become clear that excessive worry leads not only to anxiety, but causes or contributes significantly to depression, medical conditions (e.g. IBS, cardiovascular disease, skin disorders) and more distressing anxiety disorders (e.g. panic disorder, OCD).

Medication is usually ineffective or only partially effective and side-effects can even exacerbate anxiety, not to mention the risk of dependency. Furthermore, many patients would rather avoid medication and some refuse. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is very effective in treating GAD.

For example, in a study in which Dr. Abel was a protocol therapist, over 91% of participants no longer met criteria for GAD (83% at two year follow-up).

The purpose of this webinar is two-fold. One is to educate you on the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy in the treatment of GAD so that you consider referring to a CBT therapist. The other is to provide you with some simple strategies that you can pass on to your patients in less than five minutes.

Areas Covered in the Session:

Research Indicating that worry causes or Contributes to Depression, Medical Problems, and other Anxiety Disorders
When Worry is Treated these Comorbid Conditions Improve
Two most Important things to understand about Treating Worry
Data on Effectiveness of CBT for Worry and GAD
Simple Techniques you can Teach in less than 5 Minutes

Who Will Benefit:

All Health Care Professionals

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