The Cutting Edge of Medical Technology Content, Community & Collaboration
Time: May 25, 2018 from 10am to 11am
Location: Online
Street: Online
City/Town: Fremont
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Phone: 8003851607
Event Type: webinar
Organized By: Netzealous - MentorHealth
Latest Activity: Mar 22, 2018
Overview: Sepsis and septic Shock are major healthcare problems. It has been described as the Achilles' heel of health care. Sepsis occurs when the immune system goes into over-drive vigorously attacking an expanding infection. It is the No. 1 inpatient hospital expense in the United States, with costs surging by 3X over the last decade to $27 billion. Sepsis is a leading cause of death, morbidity and expense responsible for one third to one-half of hospitalized patients' deaths. In the U.S., more than 1.5 million people develop sepsis, of whom over 250,000 die as a result. It has now become one of the top five causes of hospitalization in for those over the age of 18.
Why should you Attend: Because of the high death rate, severity of long-term complications endured by many survivors, the high US cost of over $27 billion and the extremely critical need for immediate treatment makes this a course everyone from the potential patient, parents, school nurses, healthcare practitioners, ER and urgent care center staff, nurses and emergency service personnel should attend this course.
Areas Covered in the Session:
Explain extent of sepsis cost to the nation ($27 billion)
Specify the death rate and the extent of severe life-long complications of many survivors
Describe the pathogenesis of sepsis: what is happening in the body
Explain the severe urgency for rapid diagnostics and treatment
Outline the new CDC guideline for Sepsis
Discuss the importance of patient and general public education on the symptoms and urgency for immediate treatment if it sepsis is suspected
List the pre-illnesses that often preclude sepsis
Discuss the conflict between Sepsis immediate broad-spectrum antibiotic and the often conflicting action for reducing the spread of antibiotic resistance
Present the CDCs program for addressing sepsis
Highlight the work of the CDC, FDA and government incentives to develop new diagnostics and treatments
Who Will Benefit:
Joe Public (Parents for Example)
Healthcare Staff from Aids to Nurses and Doctors
Diagnostic Lab Technologists and Technicians
Pharmaceutical Development Labs
EMS Personnel (Private, Police, Fire)
ER Staph
Urgent Care Staff
Hospital Risk Managers
Speaker Profile
Wava Truscott , PhD. MBA, is founder and president of Truscott MedSci Associates, a consulting company addressing current concerns in healthcare including infection prevention, improved patient outcomes, and staff risk reduction.
Price - $139
Contact Info:
Netzealous - MentorHealth
Phone No: 1-800-385-1607
Fax: 302-288-6884
Webinar Sponsorship:
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