MedTech I.Q.

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Webinar on Root Cause Analysis

Event Details

Webinar on Root Cause Analysis

Time: July 26, 2016 from 1pm to 2pm
Location: Online
Street: 5939 Candlebrook Ct
City/Town: Mississauga
Website or Map: https://compliancetrainings.c…
Phone: 4169154458
Event Type: webinar
Organized By: Compliance Trainings
Latest Activity: Jul 4, 2016

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Event Description

Description :

Root cause analysis (RCA) involves searching backwards from an undesirable effect (or problem) to its cause(s) and addressing those causes. While the term "Root Cause" implies that there is a single cause for a problem, more often multiple causes interact and work together to trigger the problem. The RCA task is to identify potential causes, determine which cause or causes are root causes and address those root causes to ensure the effect (the problem) does not recur. RCA is important because if a problem has occurred once, it most likely will occur again.

However, if the root cause is found and addressed, future occurrences of the same problem CAN BE PREVENTED! RCA and corrective action is the key to preventing future problems.

Four RCA tools will be shared during this session, The 5 Why's, Cause and Effect Diagramming, Contingency Diagramming and the 8D Problem Solving process.

Areas Covered in the Session :

Establishing an effective team environment

Clarifying what the problem is and what the problem is not

Searching for the root cause by investigating the problem's symptom(s)

Using data and investigative tools to identify the root cause(s)

Employing decision making to select the most appropriate solution

Initiating measurements to ensure the problem does not reoccur

Recognizing common barriers to RCA and how to overcome them

Who Will Benefit:

QA Managers and Engineers

Manufacturing Managers and Engineers


Quality System Auditors

Safety and Quality Auditors

Project and Program Management Teams

Operations Management Teams

Executives and Managers responsible for investigating and solving problems

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