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Do you need a good incentive to exercise? Check out this set of pictures. They may well surprise you.
Tis is not a typical topic for MedTechIQ but it is relevant to all of us. I just turned 70 so I am going to the gym after I post this.
We all know we should exercise. It feels good during and we feel even better after. We know it burns calories and that our bodies were meant to be used. But all too many of us are sedentary; it just the result of modern life.…
ContinueAdded by Stephen C Schimpff on March 23, 2012 at 8:16am — No Comments
For a parent of a child with cystic fibrosis, a new drug that could eradicate symptoms could be a God send. The same could be said of a parent of child with Angelman’s syndrome. For a patient with lung cancer, a drug that is more than marginally effective would be wonderful. And for a person with early Alzheimer’s or their loved ones, a drug that might actually reverse the disease would be incredible.
New drugs are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regularly.…
ContinueAdded by Stephen C Schimpff on March 18, 2012 at 5:22pm — No Comments
Many harbor the concept that the recently passed reform legislation – The Patient Access and Affordable Care Act – will mean even greater advances in medical science. This is a misconception.
The reform bill is all about access to care – getting those without insurance to get insurance either through the commercial market place or through Medicaid. This will create at least 31 million more individuals with Medicaid, will keep young adults on their parent’s insurance for a…
ContinueAdded by Stephen C Schimpff on March 7, 2012 at 10:30am — No Comments
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