A "Blue Ribbon" panel composed of many of the Nation's most cited authors, analysts & executives at the intersection of information technology and healthcare have produced a seminal policy white paper on the future of telemedicine and eHealth, entitled "National Telemedicine Initiatives: Essential to Healthcare Reform".
The paper notes that ... "The tasks facing the nation in improving the health status of
Americans through major reform of the health system are formidable."
But, in the context of providing access to healthcare for currently under-insured populations and achieving parity of reimbursement between digitally supported & traditional care, telemedicine ... "is a cost-effective and clinically effective solution."
It further states, that the current initiative addressing healthcare reform "...presents an ideal opportunity for the full-fledged integration of telemedicine in the health system, with far-reaching benefits for this and future generations."
The paper authors include: Rashid L. Bashshur, Ph.D., Gary W. Shannon, Ph.D., Elizabeth A. Krupinski, Ph.D., Jim Grigsby, Ph.D., Joseph C. Kvedar, M.D., Ronald S. Weinstein, M.D., Jay H. Sanders, M.D., Karen S. Rheuban, M.D., Thomas S. Nesbitt, M.D., Dale C. Alverson, M.D., Ronald C. Merrell, M.D., Jonathan D. Linkous, A. Stewart Ferguson, Ph.D., Robert J. Waters, J.D., Max E. Stachura, M.D., David G. Ellis, M.D., Nina M. Antoniotti, Ph.D., Barbara Johnston, M.S.N., Charles R. Doarn, M.B.A., Peter Yellowlees, M.D., Steven Normandin, and Joseph Tracy.
Read the entire Policy White Paper at: