If like me, it seems to you that medical "Apps" for your iPhone, Android, ect. are growing rapidly, here is some data to back up your impression ...
As reported in V-Fluence ... i-Tunes' Health & Fitness or Medical categories now contain more
than 6,000 apps for iPhones. As of January 2010, there were more than 1,700 medical applications; all together, they've been downloaded by more than 1 million users...
... Among these, there are hundreds of applications that reference virtually
every major pharmaceutical brand name, offering services from basic prescribing data to "cost-saving" generic or over-the-counteralternative options. These have been developed by medical publishers, pharmacies, payers, hospitals, advocacy groups, alternative health promoters, health care professionals, litigators, government agencies and others. Virtually every therapeutic area is already represented with growing offerings for disease management...

... New mobile phone applications in areas like disease management, medication tracking, drug recalls, health cost and record management are
being released daily. With the recent addition of Google to the smart phone market, you can bet that new Android platform health applications will start rolling out at a faster pace in 2010...
... According a study released by Manhattan Research, more than half of U.S. physicians reported that they owned a PDA or smart phone in 2008 ... According to Skyscape research, 80 percent of physicians say they are more likely to base a clinical decision on information they access via a Smartphone versus information they've read in a journal...
Examples of branded iPhone apps include:
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