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As reported in Medical News Today ... The threat of waterborne disease outbreaks and immense damage to health facilities are just some of the complications experienced by the people of Pakistan during its worst floods on record...

... Major health concerns at the moment are the control of waterborne diseases, including diarrhoeal diseases and respiratory infections, treating the injured, helping to ensure the quality of clean drinking water and ensuring public access to health facilities with the emphasis on increasing the number of female health workers...

... About 46 of Pakistan's 135 districts have been affected by the flooding. At least 39 health facilities have been destroyed, resulting in a loss of tons of medicines. There is a tremendous need for more medical and related materials to treat people affected by the humanitarian emergency, as well as to immunize children, particularly against polio and measles...

... Other urgent needs identified by an initial assessment conducted by UN agencies include:
  • providing psychosocial support to the affected population
  • hygiene promotion interventions - providing water purification tablets, safe water, water chlorination
  • tents for temporary health facilities
  • strengthening the referral system to higher levels of health care
  • vaccination campaigns

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