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As reported in Medical News Today ... Simulation is rapidly becoming an adjunct to the training of medical students and residents with regards to surgical skills and knowledge.  The importance of simulated training in reducing the time required to learn material, as well as providing a more effective learning format, has been demonstrated by this research group...

... They have developed a novel virtual reality robot surgical simulator and studied its utilization in surgical anatomy training and pattern recognition. They took ten surgical trainees, including medical students and residents, and divided them into two groups of five each. Each participant received a syllabus consisting of line drawings and color pictures of human anatomy of the pelvis. Group 1 studied the syllabus only and Group 2 similarly studied the syllabus, but was also trained on the RoSS system using cognitive skills tasks. Following the training, both groups took the same test on identifying the same five anatomic landmarks from photographs from actual laparoscopic procedures. The group that trained with the simulator also completed a post-test survey. ...

The group that trained with both the syllabus and the RoSS system were faster in completing the test (142.8 seconds for Group 1 vs. 118.4 seconds for Group 2) and had a significantly less mean number of errors (0.4 out of 5) compared to the syllabus-only trained group (1.7 out of
5). ..

... This improved training through simulation may have a significant impact on surgical curriculum development as it addresses the limited amount of training time and regulated work hours by providing basic knowledge acquisition more effectively and in a shorter period of time...

The article detailing this work can be found at: Seixas-Mikelus SA, Adal A, Kesavadas T, Baheti A, Srimathveeravalli G, Hussain A, Chandrasekhar R, Wilding GE, Guru KA, J Endourol. 2010 Apr;24(4):629-34, doi: 10.1089/end.2009.0556

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