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The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) will conduct a briefing to Industry, on April 20, 2010, in support of the anticipated Mind’s Eye program Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)...

... The Mind’s Eye program seeks to develop in machines a capability that currently exists only in animals: visual intelligence...

... One of the desired capabilities resulting from this new form of visual intelligence is a smart camera, with sufficient visual intelligence that it can report on activity in an area of observation. A camera with this kind of visual intelligence could be employed as a payload on a broad range of persistent stare surveillance platforms, from fixed surveillance systems, which would conceivably benefit from abundant computing power, to camera‐equipped perch‐and‐stare micro air vehicles, which would impose extreme limitations on payload size and available computing power. For the purpose of this research, employment of this capability on man‐portable unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) is assumed...

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