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As reported by GenomeWeb News...The House of Representatives will soon vote on the latest draft of a $789.5 billion stimulus package that contains $10 billion in funding for the National Institutes of Health. A conference agreement between the members of the House and Senate yesterday to forward a trimmed-down draft of the Recovery and Reinvestment Act includes $8.5 billion to fund research at NIH, and $1.5 billion to the NIH for renovations.
The $1.5 billion would be used to renovate university research facilities to help schools compete for biomedical research grants.

The committee included $1.1 billion for comparative effectiveness research aimed at improving the quality of healthcare and effectiveness of different treatments. Another $1 billion is marked for a "Prevention and Wellness Fund" aimed at lowering overall health care costs through preventive healthcare programs.

If this draft of the act passes, the National Science Foundation would receive $3 billion for basic research, the Department of Energy's Office of Science would net $1.6 billion for various research, including biofuels studies, and the National Institutes of Standards and Technology would receive $580 million for the Technology Innovation Program and the Manufacturing Extension Partnership.

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