A message to all members of MedTechIQ
MedTechIQ member, Dr Luis Kun, Ph.D., with Co-Editors, Guruprasad Madhavan and Barbara Oakley, has just published thru Springer Press..."Career Development in Bioengineering and Biotechnology ".
Institute Professor Dr. Robert Langer, Millennium Technology Prize and U.S. National Medal of Science Laureate from MIT notes in his foreword: "This book provides a wealth of information and should serve as an excellent resource. The editors have gone to great effort to discuss a variety of critical topics in the burgeoning areas of bioengineering and biotechnology."
In his introduction to the book, Dr. Bruce Alberts, Editor-in-Chief of Science and President-Emeritus of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, shares that: "I am very impressed with the enormous dedication and skill that created this major, highly-original contribution – I know of nothing like it."
Bioengineering and biotechnology are exploding—the number of career opportunities is expected to increase twice as fast as for other science and engineering fields over the next decade. Bioengineers and biotechnologists have enormous potential to meet employment needs ranging from traditional careers in science and engineering through a host of alternative career pathways.
This book provides a roadmap to the broad and varied career development opportunities in bioengineering, biotechnology, and related fields. Eminent practitioners lay out career paths related to academia, industry, government and regulatory affairs, healthcare, law, marketing, entrepreneurship, and more.
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