As reported in EE Times...The National Science Foundation (NSF) will get an estimated $3 billion to disperse as part of the recently passed economic stimulus package...The so-called American Reinvestment and Recovery Act breaks NSF's new $3 billion allocation into several chunks.
The biggest slice—an estimated $2 billion—will go to a combination of what the NSF calls "highly rated research proposals which could not otherwise be funded because of budget constraints, deferred maintenance and capacity upgrades to existing facilities and advancements in cyber-infrastructure."
About $400 million will be channeled into the NSF's Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction program for projects that have already been approved by the National Science Board and have been through final design review.
Another $300 million will be used for its Major Research Instrumentation program aimed at mid-sized science instrumentation, and $200 million will go to its Academic Research Infrastructure program aimed at refurbishing and improving existing academic research facilities.
About $100 million has been earmarked for education efforts. Roughly $60 million is for the Robert Noyce Scholarship program aimed at placing math and science teachers in so-called high-need schools.
Another $25 million will be spent on the Math and Science Partnerships program supporting partnerships to improve K-12 student achievement in math and science. And $15 million will go to a new Professional Master's Science Program.
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