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Please see excellent overview of the status of $7 billion broadband "Stimulus" funding package, and other options to consider by Robb Henshaw, in GoingWiMax.Com ....

.... The broadband stimulus funding saga continues, with an interesting plot twist ... USDA’s Rural Utilities Service (RUS) and the Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) announced that they were “streamlining” the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act’s (Stimulus) broadband grant and loan programs by awarding the remaining funding in just one more round, instead of two rounds...

... But just because the RUS and NTIA have consolidated the final “broadband stimulus” funding rounds into a single round does NOT mean that there is any less of an opportunity for funding – nor does it mean that this is the ONLY remaining option for funding. It is important to remember that – while the broadband stimulus funds are significant and are worthy of being pursued – they are not the only game in town when it comes to funding your broadband networks...

... While the BTOP and BIP stimulus funding opportunities are excellent, it is also important for organizations to realize that those programs are NOT the only funding programs on the block. In fact, before the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) was ever signed, there were a large deal of programs established with the specific purpose of proliferating broadband to under-served areas. Below is an overview of just a few of the additional opportunities that organizations can (and should) pursue, whether in place of or in addition to their stimulus funding applications...

... USDA Funding for Rural Areas

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is one of the key providers of funding for rural broadband projects. There are hundreds of grants available to enable projects ranging from SCADA applications, transportation initiatives, and broadband extension programs.

For a complete list of the existing USDA grants available, please visit this site,

Rural Development Community Connect Program

Also offered through the USDA, the Rural Development Community Connect program is dedicated to providing funding to extend broadband services to areas that are currently not served...

To apply for a Rural Development Community Connect grant, you must first register in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) site, which can be found here, After registering at the CCR, you can then apply for a grant online at

Community Programs and Facilities Grants

Community Programs and Facilities provide grants to assist in the development of essential community facilities in rural areas and towns of up to 20,000 in population. Grants are authorized on a graduated scale. Applicants located in small communities with low populations and low incomes will receive a higher percentage of grants. Grants are available to public entities such as municipalities, counties, and special-purpose districts, as well as non-profit corporations and tribal governments. For more information on how to apply, please visit this USDA Rural Development site,

Homeland Security Grants

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is another major provider of funds for broadband wireless networks, as these networks are often key components for the delivery of critical security applications, such as wireless video surveillance. Regardless of the whether you’re trying to secure your city, your transportation infrastructure (like bridges, roads, public transportation, etc.), a government building, ports, borders and more – the Department of Homeland Security has a wide range of grants available.

To get started, please visit this FEMA site,, to identify the grant that may be the best for your deployment. At the bottom of this page you will find links to the instructions and forms you need to apply for these grants.

The Grant Seeker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Regardless of which grants you pursue, I recommend you start at a simple site called “The Grant Seeker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, This site has a ton of links and resources to not only help you find the grants that are right for you and your organization, but it also includes links to many presentations and tutorials on how to write the best, most effective grant proposal possible to ensure that you can secure the funding you need. You can also download a more comprehensive list of grants, funding opportunities and resources by visiting the following site and downloading the free white paper, entitled “Government Grants Resource Guide”...

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